
We have created some videos so you can quickly see an overview of the main features - please Contact Us if you want a personal tour or have any questions!

See also Our FAQ

Using any device, your visitors quickly find all they need to decide your dance school is right for them!

This 5 minute video is a quick preview of the website from your visitor's perspective.

Give your customers a great experience both in your dance classes and on your website!

This 8 minute video is a quick preview of the website from your customer's perspective.

Competitive families love how quick and easy it is to enroll and pay for programs, costumes, and entry fees!

This 8 minute video is a quick preview of the website from your competitive customer's perspective.

Give your Instructors all the tools they need to easily manage their classes and students!

This 17 minute video previews the website from your instructor's perspective and shows how to take attendance, see enrollment info, provide reports, send emails, make phone calls, manage media and more.

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Best Dance Studio Ever! Our daughter loved the instructors and learned so much. We'll be back next year for sure... read more

Robert M. - Parent